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2001 burgess falls
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1999 formal
people: chris heather chris aaron alex malachi
danyel susannette kathy matt lucas tyler wayne clark anna matt johnny chris jeff jill jen stephanie matt
will matthew julia jon kurt anna matt derek kristin niquie jared jenn marc
andrew josh bean patrick christian mitch
see also
news and periodicals: new york times salon prague post le monde drudge report the nation the atlantic christian science monitor national geographic
int'l herald tribune
fun: the onion
something positive
emotion eric
reference: google babelfish britannica dictionnaire cia world
factbook everything2
findagrave phrase&fable
math world
urban legends
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movies: imdb ebert rotten tomatoes
radio afghanistan
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around tech: main honors library upcoming concerts herald citizen putnam pit
besancon: local events and movies la besace bannik kgb ufc fac des lettres cla l'est republicain
This is my blogchalk: United States, Tennessee, Cookeville, tntech, English, French, kait, Female, 21-25.
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aim: the kaitron

Wednesday, November 26, 2003
17:15 - my family's preemptively eating the leftovers before i can even get home tonight!
it's a rational move - grandma and her best friend are leaving friday morning, so mom went ahead and cooked up the turkey today to let everyone enjoy it together longer. and i have no doubt that i'll still get more than my fair share.
but i still feel entitled to at least pretend to be offended...
happy thanksgiving, everyone!
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
14:51 - hooray for celebrity influence! forget the campaigns to save the whales. apparently michael jackson's go-round last time spurred california into dropping the cooperative witness requirement in child molestation cases. and now we wait to hear - will they get him this time? i wonder if the cal state leg had a groovy nickname for the bill...
Friday, November 14, 2003
08:53 - hi mom! speaking of parental busts, since anna e. tells me that her frequent moves lately are the result of evil fiends who e-mail her parents and not innocent webpage links, i've been meaning for far too long to change the path to get to her latest page. but, um, changing templates is work!
oh yeah, and i have pictures from the asg costume ball too. but just at the moment i should prob'ly get dressed and such instead of finding a place to post them...
Sunday, November 09, 2003
17:42 - a
is not a
 "caribou." (corrected thanks to shafi...)
i'm reading ghost soldiers for my wwii class. it's about the bataan death march and the mission to rescue the p.o.w.s remaining when the u.s. made it back to the philippines. the uncontrollable mental image of cute little deer-like things wallowing in mud was getting distracting... i knew it was a different word, but i didn't know what to picture so my mind just kept subbing in the thing with the same consonants. hurrah for the google image search!
