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Tuesday, September 30, 2003
17:22 - don't feed desert troops spaghetti.
also, anyone happen to know how to say "self-propelled coffin" in italian?
15:11 - i know it's lame, but for convenience and portability (floopy disc?!? are you kidding?!?) i'm studying for my history mid-term in blog format. feel free to take a look, fact check, whatever you'd like...
07:08 - air france and klm are merging. the article doesn't do a very good job of explaining whether this means that there'll be no more excuses to stop in amsterdam on the way to paris for the sake of cheap northwest/klm tickets across the atlantic...
Monday, September 29, 2003
22:52 - hooray for wool socks. and hot tea. not to mention blankets.
i realize it's a bit premature to start sporting beret and scarf... but give me a break, two days ago my apartment was in the 75-80 degree range. now i'd guess 55-65.
at least i finally found that pesky window i missed this morning in the frenzy to close them all...
Sunday, September 28, 2003
23:42 - elia kazan died.
22:18 - aha! (see previous post for reference):Another key to the success of Burma-Shave was the product, a brushless shaving cream. A sailor who was stationed in Burma (Myanmar) gave the recipe for this wonder to the company's founders at a time when many men wore beards and/or moustaches. The founders of Burma-Shave correctly saw great potential in a product that did away with the brush and mug allowing men to simply smooth the cream onto their skin.
22:11 - random thought based on alex's response to my away-message plea for interesting info about burma... does burma shave of ye olde rhyming slogans have anything whatsoever to do with that place now labelled myanmar?
22:08 - so i'm starting to think that the coffee meant to jump-start my homework reading efforts has simply backfired into extra-super-duper loquacity... oops.
22:04 - quick technical query: anybody know how google's "similar pages" feature works? because among the ones that come up here, there's not really that much similarity... but i find it odd that both anna's and shawn's webpages show up, but none of my other pals'... and even stranger, jezblog -- with which i'm familiar because it's linked frequently from srah blah blah, where i read when i get a chance -- shows up... methinks that looking at "similar pages" to figure out the rhyme and reason may become a new hobby...
21:41 - steel magnolias was sold out when dave and i went to see it last night. or at least well on its way - the line was longer than the known number of seats, so we left without standing around for the denial. i've never had a problem going reservation-free to the backdoor playhouse before... and now i'll never know why this time was the exception! is cookeville developing its art appreciation? was it the free student tickets? or perhaps the overwhelming to curiosity to see if creter could possibly make this one into a shocking bloodbath? or maybe, just maybe, everyone absolutely had to know which local actress would dare attempt to fill julia roberts' shoes?
21:26 - i never bothered to look all the way through the tracklist on my most recent music purchase, le grand déballage by les négresses vertes... i bought it mainly because "voilà l'été" is among the happiest music ever and i'd left france without a copy of this priceless means of severely annoying chronic curmudgeons. (well, ok, so it's also handy for cheering me up... at least i pretend to act unselfishly!) anyways, it's a long cd, so it was weeks before i heard the very last track for the first time... and when i finally did, i nearly fell over with delight. imagine a nice latin beat, put some iconically-french accordian music over it... then add, "i loov pahreese in zee spreengtime, i loov pahreese in zee fall..."
20:19 - it's official. love of crispy air has overcome fear of indoor wasps. it's open-windows time in tennessee!
Saturday, September 27, 2003
17:05 - hooray! thanks to dad, i have a new version of windows to try... perhaps it will provide more than 16 colors!
Friday, September 26, 2003
18:37 - it's really hard to read history assignments when there's a copy of on the road sitting on your coffee table.
just trying to help future generations avoid my mistakes...
17:49 - my stupid moment for the day (more like hour, really, by the time i was all done with it...):
this morning before work, i decided to go swim at the fitness center for a while. i figured i'd walk; after all, it was daylight, i had plenty of time, and it was a good chance to retrieve my bicycle, which has been hanging out over there ever since it started raining while i was inside a few sundays back. (i figured that i get along better with rain than the bike does...)
anyways, it's 7:15 a.m., so i'm not thinking so clearly. i remember noticing that i needed to have my keys to unlock the bicycle, la-di-da-di-da. five seconds later, i'm out the door and noticing a much bigger reason to take my keys along - i had just locked myself out of my apartment.
as mentioned, 7:15 a.m. no cell phone, no wallet, no money. not even any i.d., just my fitness center membership card. options are (a) break into apartment, (b) wake up neighbor to use a phone, or (c) hike over to the apartment office and hope that they're open. after eliminating (a) due to inability to find a window that could be pried open sufficiently (there are wasps, or i would've had them all propped open anyway... air conditioning is one of those strange dislikes of mine...), i decided to go with (c) -- i have nearby friendly neighbors and even former roommates, but they're not quite morning people, generally, and besides, i had the time and was planning to work out anyhow. thank goodness i was wearing my tennis shoes instead of the nicer-looking but potentially blister-inducing things i wear to work. 17 blocks up washington avenue, worrying the whole time that my efforts were in vain...
the soard properties folks thought i was insane, but were very nice about the whole thing. they even gave me a ride back. kinda scary that they let me in with no credentials, though. they didn't even want to see my fitness center membership card!
yup, i felt like an idiot.
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
19:52 - oh, and i must say. working a call center after about 5:30 p.m. central is awesome. well, so maybe a large part of that is the fact that most of what's going wrong right now for us is on the eastern side of the country... but there aren't many calls, and the people calling aren't as likely to be demanding credits and returns and other such complicated stuff... thus i get time to enter all the orders i have on my desk, catch up on the e-mails from puzzled customers, things like that. it's fantastic for killing the stress levels...
19:44 - i just narrowly avoided losing more geek credibility... admittedly, mine's running a bit thin anyway - I mean, a french degree?!? but yeah. so i was just about to call technical assistance about the two day outage of dsl service when my tinkering finally paid off... all it took was finally noticing and hitting the little "reboot dsl modem" button on the speedstream router management page. yay!
Monday, September 22, 2003
23:35 - my dsl is grumpy today.
maybe it's the rain.
heck, the phone's grumpy too. dave and i kept coming up with excuses for the noisy line, but i think it's just because it's monday.
i thought the side effects of the hurricane were supposed to hit over the weekend, so we didn't go hiking. and it was gorgeous outside.
i wish i could've curled up with a book and some hot tea this morning. well, come to think of it, i did, but then i had to leave at 8:15. i liked the curled-up and cozy part of my morning better.
american splendor is a pretty durn neat flick.
ok, done printing my mock trial stuff. this week i get to be the slimeball of a hockey team owner. so maybe the slimeball assertion's because i had to cross-examine the character last week... anyways, i should go home. goodbye internet!
Monday, September 15, 2003
22:21 - starting next week, i have new working hours - 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., except mondays and tuesdays when it'll be 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for the sake of my classes. just when i was starting to wake up at 7:00 whether my alarm went off or not...
but so far i think...
downsides: waiting an additional 2 hours to get where i'm going on friday nights...
upsides: no more rush hour traffic, work is less busy after 4 p.m. so i'll be less stressy, opportunity to sleep in and thus ability to socialize with my old late-night crowd now and then, two free hours most mornings during business hours - thus eliminating the need to use my lunch break for errands...
all in all, it's probably a winner.
Sunday, September 14, 2003
19:18 - at long last, the desk is in one piece. my computer, in all its antiquity and 16-coloredness, is properly enshrined.
my keyboard is on a flat surface for the first time in three years. this brought to my attention the fact that one of the little ergonomically correct tabs on it was broken, making it wobble. thus i broke the other one.
i no longer have the energy to move everything that went into the living room to provide workspace for it back in here.
oh well, it's pretty, i'm happy.
10:27 - mom just sent me this article about fleetguard helping the government meet new tougher air quality standards. i like it. as a former member of seac now working in the automotive industry without too much knowledge of what i'm selling, i'll take any reassurance i can get that i'm working for the good guys.
Thursday, September 11, 2003
07:51 - i noticed yesterday that i was saying dates in the verbal format "numbereth of month" rather than "month numbereth" -- thus "tenth of august" and not "august tenth." i wonder... did this develop gradually from the fact that on the screen where i'm reading them, they're formatted "DD-MMM-YYYY"? or am i unconsciously trying to get around repeating "september eleventh" constantly?
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
19:51 - lest i forget to finish it: i was in the midst of reading this article when the computer systems came back up today. it's a neat little re-interpretation of what flanagan, the author, refers to as the "housewife period," that golden age of june cleaver. she argues that the 50s housewife was not, in fact, nearly as bored and oppressed as her present-day hollywood representations would have you believe; in fact, she was probably too busy saving the world to suffer from the pangs of ennui...
18:09 - on the way home, npr told me what part of my brain's missing. it's called the hippocampus. taxi drivers often have extra-large ones. me, people laughed when i momentarily toyed with the idea of applying to deliver pizza. after all, at least half of my adventure stories start with me getting lost...
but now that i looked up how to spell it, i'm even more intrigued... how does one get from a "a sea horse with a horse's forelegs and a dolphin's tail" to a piece of the brain?
oh wait. never mind. i answered my own question when i re-read to copy-paste - it's the shape of the thing in cross-section. but it still entertains my not-so-hard-to-amuse brain to have -- um, or to lack -- a section named after a sea monster. makes it feel a tad less bland and gray somehow... even if no one ever asserted that sea monsters aren't gray... but really, they ought to be colorful...
17:56 - the systems came back up just in time for lunch. then i had a meeting.
then the building caught on fire.
what a day.
12:06 - the systems are down.
thus my busiest day yet here at fleetguard has instantly turned into total leisure, sure to be transformed into utter hell whenever the systems come back up and the struggle to catch up begins.
but in the meantime, i'm out of e-mail and can't do any actual work.
just thought i'd whine... maybe i'll read a book or something.
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
20:05 - shafi just informed me that at the new and improved tech cafeteria, if you don't have meal tickets, it's $7.13 to enter. that's... nearly twice what it cost in my youth. i doubt i'll invest... can anyone who's eaten there tell me, is it really that special?!?
00:18 - um, so i don't typically tell people about this whole weblog thing. not sure why... i just feel extra silly and vulnerable here. it's not exactly polished stuff, and i've always been... i was going to say "a little", but let's face it, it's "a lot"... self-conscious about letting anyone see anything i write. generally i can block it out here and be inane, even if i dare not delve terribly deep into my personal life... the feedback is a gentle reminder that i have a few regulars, people i know who read here, but somehow it's still easy to forget that i'm not just casting nonsense into the void. well, ok, so i am, but it's retrievable nonsense.
anyway, i turned a rather frightful cooked-lobster-esque shade the other night when dave told me that he'd found this place.
but my point - and i do have one! he was kind enough to point out that my older archives were broken. so i just fixed them. i think?
please excuse me while i go camouflage with some beets.
Monday, September 08, 2003
23:48 - we ended up seeing the order and the housekeeper this weekend... (almost the secret lives of dentists instead, but it started at the wrong time.) neither one was bad, but i admit to liking the order better. even if it wasn't french. plus, now that i've found evidence that the term sin eater was not entirely an invention of the movie, i feel the need to go dig up some folklore at the library...
and now i'm back in cookeville and everyone is grumpy at us because the warehouse just started up a new automated system; it'll be better than before eventually, but right now they're still debugging. i want to go back to the weekend.
23:28 - bridgestone's burning. one of its plants in japan, anyway. i hope it stops soon...
Friday, September 05, 2003
14:11 - until i have time to hard code it into the page: the movies playing at the cool theatre near dave's. i think i want to see either the swimming pool (françois ozon also directed 8 femmes, which i can honestly say is the best french musical whodunit film i've ever seen) or the secret lives of dentists this weekend. or le divorce. but we shall see... i think it's not my turn to pick, so i guess i'll have to submerge the dictatorial impulses...
00:35 - tgif means so much more now. not only is it relief at the impending weekend, it's CASUAL DAY! i can wear jeans to work tomorrow! i don't have to iron (erm, or spray the wrinkle releasing stuff and hope for the best) before i go to bed! YAY FRIDAY!
Thursday, September 04, 2003
00:56 - chlorine and cigarette smoke (not mine! we just sat in the smoking section...) make a pretty odd mix, as hair scents go.
an evening spent at waffle house gets so incredibly valuable after a couple weeks of hermiting away... my desk remains disassembled, but i've played cards, signed a friend's cast, caught up on the latest news and gossip, and got change to buy tomorrow's coffee. i even read some homework and talked on the phone to dave while i was waiting for everyone else to show up. it feels like the most productive night i've had lately.
and now to the showers to get rid of the funky scent... and it's way late for me, i shall pumpkin-ize at any moment now.
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
07:01 - i was coming home last night, and i happened to spot eyes reflecting off my headlights. they turned out to belong to a kitten playing in the road. a really, really stubborn kitten. i paused, figuring it would go careening off like any other normal cat threatened by a... very small but much-bigger-than-it car. no. i stopped for a minute. still no response. roll down the window and shout? not a thing. due to the fact that my blue box does not have a working horn, though i'm not sure it would've helped anyhow, i finally had to put the car in park, run around the side, and rush at the poor thing. even then it hesitated, but pretending i would step on it finally did the trick.
so yeah. if you come visit me, please don't drive fast. i don't like dead cats.
Monday, September 01, 2003
23:35 - days off are nice. even unpaid ones, as long as you don't think too hard about that "unpaid" bit. or spend too much money.
even with the three-day weekend, i still didn't get my desk put together -- i bought one about two weeks back, and its pieces are sorted out but still disjointedly lying about my spare bedroom/study floor. alas. but i did see lots of movies. dirty pretty things (liked it quite a bit, even though i'd turned it down in favor of whale rider last weekend) and pirates of the caribbean (best popcorn flick i've seen all season. dave had already seen it, but i carried on so much about him going without me to the one blockbuster i actually wanted to see when i'd sat through league of extraordinary gentlemen and the incredible hulk for him that he decided to see it again...) to be exact... plus bowling for columbine (interesting, good points, i want to move to canada where no one locks their doors, but man would i hate to be an interviewee opposite michael moore) and aguirre, the wrath of god (not so sure i see why it gets "great classic" status, unless it was made long before conquistador-bashing got popular) on video. the dangers of picking up your significant other in the video store, eh?
