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This is my blogchalk: United States, Tennessee, Cookeville, tntech, English, French, kait, Female, 21-25.
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aim: the kaitron

Monday, July 28, 2003
20:55 - compared to my pre-interview nerves, the interview itself was nothing. that's the way it goes. i required a scary amount of "armor" to get through the nervous bit -- everything from waho to water-proof mascara. (my friends are great. they put up with my adrenaline-fueled five-gazillion-miles-an-hour neuroticism. and now i must figure out how on earth to get the above-mentioned water-proof mascara off... )
so on the way in, in the fever of anxiety, i locked my keys in my car. and noticed immediately. i made one attempt to slip my arm in through the window and unlock the door (no air conditioning, the windows are almost always cracked). when that didn't work, i decided that it was get my keys or be on time... and chose to be on time. somehow, that sort of micro-decisiveness helped immensely. then everyone was really nice, and i hope they believed me when i said it sounded like a fantastic job, because i wasn't lying... and then i got back outside, glanced around to make sure no one was looking, and climbed into the trunk of my car to unlock it. thank goodness for hatchbacks. and that no crazed festiva-fanatics were prowling the parking lot looking for easy steals. and all was well.
no idea if i'll actually get the job, but at least it was more or less fun to try...
Saturday, July 26, 2003
17:35 - guess what, guess what? i've got an interview monday! for a job that sounds appropriate! well, ok, so they really want business majors fluent in french, but there's no relocation allowance, so i s'pose that's why manpower pulled my resume off tech's website and called me up despite the business-literacy deficit. (fleetguard is hiring long-term temp through them.) so now i'm getting quite nervous -- my french is a little on the rusty side to prove that i'm capable of gracefully taking orders from french canadians day in and day out... so i'm trying to expose myself to as much french as possible all weekend, mainly via rtl2. i just caught the manchester library 5 minutes before closing time to get a book on business french... anyway, wish me luck!
Sunday, July 20, 2003
18:45 - swimming is nice. but i find it somewhat disturbing that all the life guards have suddenly shrunk to half my age... guess it'd been a few years.
18:37 - will, who's in mauritania for the peace corps, has begun posting pictures. i haven't had a chance to look at them all yet. but some irrational little part of my mind that fails to fully appreciate the comforts of staying in my own little corner of western civilization is already incredibly jealous of him...
Saturday, July 19, 2003
13:29 - i think i'm back. i've done more socializing in the last week than in the previous two months. and i even made it mostly awake to the end of lawrence of arabia last night, though i may need to go back and review the second tape. such recovery from perpetual exhaustion must be due to the magic of getting an opportunity for consultation with his holiness and being lured back into waho for a super-duper oily coffee caffeine boost, all in one week.
and the honors handbook is (more or less) accomplished! if you're in the area, the lounge board is still full of colorful quotes from the sleep-deprived... and yes, it's in my honor that jill's planning to replicate the word "edit"...
bon voyage to my dad, who's off to japan for a week. even if it looks like more jetlag and work than fun, there's got to be some good sushi in the plan somewhere...
i miss dave. but i'll quit whining now, before i build up any major momentum, and go jog. must improve chances of surviving boot camp, just in case...
Thursday, July 10, 2003
23:25 - informal poll: would i survive boot camp?
23:20 - <whine> why can't arkansas have the ak abbreviation? for some reason i can't seem to remember that it's ar, so all day i kept trying to paperwork some guy into moving much much further north than he intended. </whine>
Sunday, July 06, 2003
07:30 - finally, yoplait's nourriche yogurt smoothies, while not blessed with quite such a fun name, are nearly identical to yop, food of choice among those who pierce their tongues in france. well, and i'm a big fan too...
Thursday, July 03, 2003
13:28 - sooo tired.... just so you know, i'm not ignoring all of you on purpose, the need for naps has just been cutting in severely on my social life. a typical day in the life here lately: 7:15 a.m., get up and all other functions necessary for making it to work by 8 2 or 3 p.m., hour off for lunch 5ish, get off work 5:30ish, arrive home, possibly collapse immediately into nap 6 or 7 p.m., if not napping, eat dinner, often including cooking 8 p.m., worn out, decide to take a nap... alternate decision: watch a movie... same difference, except maybe i see 5 minutes of movie to wonder about later... 1 a.m., wake up, wonder why no one attempted to get me up earlier 1:05 a.m., find out that several attempts to rouse me had in fact been made with little success; take a shower to avoid having to get up even earlier the next day. 2 a.m., go back to bed for the night.
so you see, that leaves all of two to three hours free for all other functions, including socialization, grocery shopping, and job-hunting. i'm almost starting to hope that i am coming down with mono despite all those antibodies from fourteen years ago. because at least it's temporary... if my natural, healthy energy level is really plunging this low, i think i might be highly upset.
